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  • Phone: (612) 338-6500
  • Email: 
  • Mailing Address: 1501 West 54th Street, Minneapolis, MN, 55419



Children's Ministry

Sunday Mornings during the 2024-2025 School year:

During the 9:30 service, we have programming for children ages 0-3rd grade.  Nursery, Pre-K and Kindergarten programs are available for children ages 0-5, and children can be dropped off before the service begins. For children in 1st-5th grades, there is a Children's Church program.  Children can sit with parents in the service to participate in the opening worship and will be excused during the announcements to head downstairs with a leader for kid-friendly activities.  

Starting at our Fall Kick-Off on September 15th, we have a 10:45am Sunday Morning Community hour, where there is programming offered for ages 0-5th grade.

NEW This Year: Updated & Improved Security 

On both levels of the church, you will find electronic check-in kiosks.  There you will be able to check in each child to their class and print a name tag for them.  Each name tag will be accompanied by a security tag with a code that matches a code on your child's name tag.  Please keep the security tag with you, so that when you pick up your child, we can verify that the child is going home with the correct adult.  

What will my child be doing in City Kids programming?

Each week children will be led through age-appropriate activities that teach them the stories of the Bible, who God is, how to live in relationship with Jesus, and how to apply our faith to real-life situations.  Some common activities include interactive storytelling, crafts, object lessons, games, and memory verse activities.  Older children will participate in some group discussion on the topic of the day, and younger children will have a little bit of free-play time built into their hour.  Nursery and PreK children also receive a snack.  (Usually goldfish crackers).  Please let your child's group leader know if your child has any allergies that we should be aware of.  


The purpose of CityKids is for each child

To love God 
To know God more fully and respond to Him in worship; and 
To love others
Using prayers, spoken words, and actions to bless and encourage others. for the glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ.