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D.E.S.I.G.N.ed for a Purpose

Using Your Individuality for Ministry

Posted by Rich Schoenert on

…Each of us has a set of mental tools that we have become comfortable using and thus reach for in the everyday business of living. Although we all have access to the same basic tools in our psychological toolbox, each of us is more comfortable with and thus prefers a particular tool (or set of tools) for a particular task. It is our unique set of these preferences that gives us our distinct personality and makes us appear similar or dissimilar to others. --Peter Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing

You have been created with preferences—choices you make when relating to others. You are more comfortable relating in some ways than in others. Certain responses come more naturally to you...No matter where you are—you can certainly relate in ways other than your preferred style, but it isn’t as comfortable. When relationships don’t permit your preferred style, they require additional time, energy and sensitivity. --Bruce Bugbee, What You Do Best in the Body

The following Personal Exercise and Preparation has been adapted from the Personality Indicator Worksheet by CACC (Center of Advancement for Christian Coaching). The purpose of this personal style indicator is to help you identify your basic personality tendencies, which will add greater understanding to your unique DESIGN. The personal style indicator worksheet is not meant to be a standardized personality inventory. When reading each set of corresponding characteristics ask yourself:

  • “Which characteristic seems more effortless and comfortable for me?” 
  • “Which characteristic would most accurately describe me as I usually am?”

Select the option of each pair that more accurately describes you. While both statements may be true for you, one most likely describes you better or more consistently than the other one.

Your responses to the following statements will help you determine the degree of interaction you prefer to have with others, and whether you prefer a more active or reflective approach to the world and situations around you.
  • Energized by participation in activities -- Energized when involved with your inner world of ideas
  • Enjoy being involved in multiple activities -- Tend to be reflective
  • Energized by being with groups of people -- Enjoy time alone; groups of people can be emotionally draining
  • Energized by working in groups -- Enjoy solitary activities; group activities may not be energizing
  • Have a diverse range of acquaintances & friends -- Prefer fewer, close relationships
  • Like to make things happen; enjoy action -- Like to have an understanding of a plan before moving into action
  • Sometimes moves too quickly to action -- Sometimes spends too much time reflecting before action
  • Understanding of a problem often becomes clearer if you first talk with others -- Understanding of problem becomes clearer by reflecting on ideas that help explain the problem

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. - Psalm 139:14

Your responses to these statements will help you determine whether you attach more credibility to information that comes in through your five senses or by insight.
  • Concerned with what is actual and current -- Your impression of an experience is what gives you insight into a situation
  • In approaching situations, prefer to look at the facts first -- Increase understanding through insight
  • Often skilled at seeing the practical application of ideas -- Concerned with what is possible and new; Enjoy the prospect of future possibilities
  • Sometimes can focus on the facts and can miss new possibilities -- Sometimes have a tendency to focus on new possibilities and the practicalities are missed
  • Prefer to work from the facts to the big picture -- Prefer to work from the big picture to the facts
  • You believe that experience speaks louder than words -- Place significant trust in insights and less in what is literally experienced
  • Take things literally -- Take things figuratively

We see things not as they are but as we are.  --author unknown

Your responses relate to your perceptions of the world and will help determine whether you give more weight to objective principles or to the relational concerns of the people involved when making decisions.
  • Concerned with the objective truth of a situation; can give the impression of being impersonal and analytical in your approach to situations -- Hold a people-oriented perspective and believe that the best decisions are made by considering the viewpoints of all persons involved
  • Look for logical consistency and analysis of cause and effect explanations or solutions to most everything -- Concerned with whether or not decisions and actions are worthwhile
  • Notice inconsistencies -- Often concerned with establishing or maintaining harmony in relationships
  • Make decisions by removing personal concerns that may lead to biased or unfair decision making -- Make decisions based on what is best for the relationships between people involved
  • Make decisions with your head, with a significant focus on equality or fairness -- Make decisions with your heart and want to be compassionate
  • Believe telling the whole truth is more important than being tactful -- Being tactful is more important than telling the whole truth
  • Sometimes miss seeing or valuing the people part of situations and can be perceived by others as too task-oriented, uncaring, or indifferent -- Sometimes miss seeing or communicating the hard truth of situations and can be perceived by others as too idealistic, too gentle, or indirect

You know my thoughts even when I’m far away…You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.  - Psalm 139:2-4

Your responses to these statements will help you determine whether you prefer a more precise and structured lifestyle, or a more adaptable and flexible lifestyle.
  • Prefer a planned way of life; like to have things organized -- Prefer a more flexible and spontaneous way of life; like to understand & adapt to the world around you
  • Like to bring life under control to the degree that is possible -- Like staying open to respond to whatever happens
  • Give the impression of being task-oriented -- Appear more casual
  • Create lists of things to do -- Like to keep laid-out plans to a minimum
  • Like to get work done before playing -- Like to mix work and play
  • Plans work; dislikes rushing before a deadline -- Work in bursts and enjoy rushing before deadlines
  • Can make decisions too quickly without all information -- Can stay open to new information and miss making timely decisions
  • Sometimes can focus so much on the goal or plan that the need to change directions is missed -- Sometimes can focus so much on adapting to the moment that a direction or plan is not decided on
  • May internally feel flexible and open to new information -- May internally feel organized and decisive
  • Most efficient when you have plenty of time to complete a project -- Most efficient when you have little time to complete a project

Your personal style may explain your behavior. It does not excuse it!  --Bruce Bugbee

Each of the combinations [of mental processes–preferences] produces a different kind of personality, characterized by the interests, values, needs, habits of mind, and surface traits that naturally result from the combination. Combinations with a common preference will share some qualities, but each combination has qualities all its own, arising from the interaction of the preferred way of looking at life and the preferred way of judging what is seen.   --Isabel Myers Briggs, Gifts Differing

A significant part of your design is revealed through your personal style. It is another way God has put his divine fingerprint upon you. As a part of your servant profile, your style complements your passion and indicates the unique way your spiritual gift will be expressed. --Bruce Bugbee, What You Do Best in the Body

Input your information to the “Individuality” section of your DESIGN PROFILE

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