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Bible Devotionals

Peter Backslides

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How does Paul deal with his anger and handle the conflict he has with a brother in Christ? What can we learn about how church community is to relate to one another from this passage?

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Barnabas: Believing Other People

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How might it be possible that two people can be right in one way and wrong in another? What are ways to disagree with another Christian without falling out with them?

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Preparing for the Future

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The British philosopher and atheist, Bertrand Russell was once asked what he would say to God if he appeared to him after death and demanded to know why he had failed to believe. Russell answered, “Why did you not give me better evidence?”...

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Psalm 107

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REFLECT: The psalmist describes people experiencing four different kinds of need and despair. For each, what choices did the person make that brought on the trouble? What drove them to desperation? What three actions are common to each of these situations? How did each person experience...

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