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Bible Devotionals

Road Trip Overview

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In Acts, chapters 9-20 trace the three main "road trips" the Apostle Paul takes in the first century around the Roman Empire to spread the news about Jesus. What’s behind Paul’s strategy for executing his mission? Why were the people in these cities so mad when he called into question their gods? And, given the fact that Paul’s work often brought him beatings and imprisonments, why would anyone want to identify with what he was promoting? While first century Mediterranean culture is different from 21st century Minneapolis, the question they faced is the same one before us: will we give our allegiance to the one, true Living God over all other gods?

Watch this overview of Acts 13-20 for a summary of the cultural background at play as we read and study these passages this fall. If you find this video helpful, you can find other episodes about every book of the Bible here
