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Tell Me a Story

Journey to Bethlehem

When our girls were young and we read them the Christmas story they always had questions. “What color eyes did Jesus have?” “So he really didn’t cry?” (confusion from a line in “Away in a Manger”). Kathy and I didn’t have answers to all of their questions because the truth is that we don’t know as much as we would like about the birth of Jesus. But what we have is a story full of beauty and power and unexpected insight. This Advent season, we’re taking a chronological look at the Christmas story. At the heart of the story are the 40 weeks of Mary’s pregnancy. It’s a story grounded in history yet filled with deep significance. Please join us this Advent season on this Journey to Bethlehem.

The Table

The table. It conjures up wonderful images.  From the formal Thanksgiving dinner or wedding banquet, to the informal meal shared with friends or invitation when you’re new in town.  It’s not so much about the food, but about the warmth, the conversation, the connection we enjoy.  But the table can also elicit deep pain: think junior high lunchroom, or awkward meal with conflict, or even, empty chairs.  Sometimes the table communicates loneliness, brokenness, exclusion.

It is striking how much of Jesus’ life is told in settings defined by meals.  When the Son of God came to seek and save the lost, he did so often in the context of meals.  And his choice of dinner guests both surprised and angered the religious people around him.  Meal tables define the boundaries of our community.  And Jesus was constantly broadening and expanding the table.  For Jesus, the table was never full. There was always room for one more.  Family, friends, skeptics, strangers, sinners . . . all found a place at his table.  

The table is a metaphor for the way of life all Christians are called to—not just the entertainers or extroverts among us.  Entertaining gets in the way of true hospitality. This includes, but isn’t limited to hosting people in your home.  It’s a daily posture of openness, inclusion, welcome, generosity. Extended to friends, family, and church, but also colleagues, neighbors, other acquaintances . . . even those outside our natural connections.  The broken. The awkward.  The stranger. Even the enemy.  God’s hospitality knows no limits. 

For the next four weeks, I invite you to have a seat at the table.  Drink deeply and be satiated by the God’s love for you—this is His table.  We’ll reinvision the table He intends—one where all can come to be fed, healed, loved, forgiven.  And then we’ll look at how we can follow in his way—always looking outward, drawing others inward toward this love, giving generously of ourselves.  But it’s not easy: we’re limited in time, energy, and resources.  It’s costly.  It’s uncomfortable.  We’ve got to take risks, and yet be street smart.  But the reward is great. This is one meal you aren’t going to want to miss.

The Quotable Jesus

It’s not a stretch to say that Jesus is quoted more than any other figure in history. Even self-identified skeptics, can’t help but quote Jesus. He had a way of putting things that comforted the weak, captivated the curious and infuriated the self-righteous. He took conventional wisdom and turned it on its head. His words cut through the petty concerns of selfish hearts and inspired many to pursue a better way of life. For nearly 2,000 years the words of Jesus have shaped the moral imaginations of people around the globe. From the Golden Rule to loving your enemies his words have provided clarity, healing and hope to countless millions. In the coming months we’re going to look at fifteen of the most quoted sayings of Jesus. But this will be more than simply an examination of the teaching of Jesus. Our hope is to uncover what it is about Jesus that has so captivated people for 2,000 years. And, has been the case for so many in history, to find that by meeting Jesus we will be changed.
