May 05, 2020
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The songs we sing form and shape our understanding of God. Tune in to hear a short podcast about 1 favorite worship song each week.
May 05, 2020
Apr 28, 2020
Apr 22, 2020
Apr 15, 2020
Dec 08, 2019
The automobile tycoon Henry Ford once famously said, “history is more or less bunk.” Why look back when you can look forward? Get busy making history rather than reading stories of those long dead and gone?
Fair enough, except that sometimes the stories of the past are the very thing that inspires us for the future. A man named Luke had a front-row seat during the early days of the Christian church. Like an investigative reporter, he had already captured the story of the life of Jesus into a biography we now have in the New Testament.
But Luke had a second book in him, a book about the early Christian church. The church grew, Luke believed, by the will and purpose of God in fulfillment of promises God made years before. His is an encouraging story, of how from a handful of Jesus followers in a single church, this movement spread beyond geographic, ethnic and racial boundaries. The message, that salvation is found in Jesus, raised from the dead and ascended to heaven, changed lives and communities everywhere it went. And the catalyst for all this change, Luke believed, was the power of the Holy Spirit, the gift Jesus left with the church when he ascended into heaven.
It’s an inspirational story and raises interesting questions for us today, none more important than this: How can we, at City Church, capture today something of the confidence, enthusiasm, vision, and power these early Christians and their leaders had? It’s a question we will explore in the weeks to come.
Sep 29, 2019
Authentic. Genuine. Real. Who would want to be anything else? Years after Jesus ascended into heaven, a network of house churches faced a crisis. Some of their dearest friends had broken away and denied some of the core beliefs that had united them as churches. And now these “false prophets” were trying to pressure them to abandon their faith.
Concerned, John wrote an essay, the book of 1 John, to assure this beleaguered group of believers and remind them to remain loyal to what they have been taught.
Now, 1,900 years later, we face similar pressures. And we have a similar need. What, we want to know, is authentic Christian faith? And what does it mean to live it out in an authentic way?
Jan 13, 2019
When our girls were young and we read them the Christmas story they always had questions. “What color eyes did Jesus have?” “So he really didn’t cry?” (confusion from a line in “Away in a Manger”). Kathy and I didn’t have answers to all of their questions because the truth is that we don’t know as much as we would like about the birth of Jesus. But what we have is a story full of beauty and power and unexpected insight. This Advent season, we’re taking a chronological look at the Christmas story. At the heart of the story are the 40 weeks of Mary’s pregnancy. It’s a story grounded in history yet filled with deep significance. Please join us this Advent season on this Journey to Bethlehem.
Nov 25, 2018
Character is destiny. At least, that's what the Greek philosophers since the time of Plato and Aristotle believed. The philosophers didn't believe destiny was predetermined by some outside force; rather it was largely shaped by one's inner character. For centuries, intelligence, ability, experience were all essential aspects of a person, but they weren't sufficient. Character mattered above all. Character, more than fame or fortune, was worth seeking.
But character can be hard to come by these days. In nearly every sector of society;business, government, even non-profit; we witness leaders with alarming deficits in character. The consequences of their deeply-embedded flaws often have a ripple effect not only on those closest to them, friends and family, but also entire organizations and even society at large.
One misconception about character is that it's instantaneous: that we can, like Clark Kent, just step inside the phone booth and turn into Superhuman, full of goodness, faithfulness, humility, courage, honesty, patience, or generosity. But human hearts don't mature like microwaves. There's no such thing as "instant character." We may shake our heads when someone is caught doing something wrong. But we don't realize that their "fall" actually represents a series of small decisions made on a daily basis that led them to that point.
That's because character is about so much more than behavior; it's about our inner hearts and longings. Jesus taught this to us, Luke 6:45, even as he demonstrated what it meant to live a truly moral life. And Jesus taught us also that we can grow in character. It can be learned. Change is possible. But it will affect every aspect of our lives and it will require a lot of small decisions along the way.
So join us for the next eight weeks as we look at one character trait each week. We've built this series with summer schedules and young people in mind. So if you miss a week with travel, you can just jump right back in. We'll find that character matters not only because it's right morally but also because it's a good way to live. Indeed, it's the only way to experience true joy, peace, and fulfillment in life.
Aug 12, 2018
Oct 29, 2017