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The Gift of the Spirit

The Gift of the Spirit

No. That wasn’t a typo in the sermon series title. The series is called The Gift of the Spirit…as in The Holy Spirit. It’s true that often people get caught up more so in the gifts of the Spirit, as in what are the gifts, how are they given and any unnecessary today?


While those are important questions, they aren’t the most important questions when it comes to The Holy Spirit. For while we proclaim a Trinitarian faith: God, Son, and Spirit, the Holy Spirit is often the forgotten member of the Trinity. Many Christians have very little understanding or even relationship with the Holy Spirit. Given the fact that the Holy Spirit’s role has been so abused throughout church history, it is understandable He is often ignored, misunderstood, or even resisted.


But that is to our great deficit! The Holy Spirit is the most essential gift Jesus gave his followers before ascending to heaven. In fact, Jesus was adamant that it was good He was going away, for the very reason it meant the Spirit would come upon the Church. The Spirit makes it possible for us to know experientially the love and grace of God. The Spirit comes alongside us to guide, direct, encourage, comfort, convict, and empower as we seek to follow Jesus. He imparts gifts to us to enable us to live as Christ’s witnesses in the world. He personally reassures us we are God’s children, wholly and dearly loved. Who wouldn’t want more of that in their lives?


The Spirit has so much to offer the individual, the church, and the world! In fact, we can truly only be “in Christ” when we live in the Spirit. When we look closely at Scripture, we see that the Holy Spirit is not to be feared, but rather welcomed. He is, as our four-week series will show: a Good Gift, an Essential Gift, A Gift that Keeps Giving, and yes, He does also bring Gifts for us. It is my sincere hope and prayer that by the end of this series, we won’t just know more about the Holy Spirit; but will instead engage more regularly with Him for direction, wisdom, comfort, and empowerment. “Come, Holy Spirit, Come!”