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Bible Devotionals


Posted by Amy Rowell on

May is one of the last people you’d expect to find helping serve at a wedding. I mean, she was basically robbed of the experience of her own perfect day with Gabriel’s interruption of news she would have a baby—via the Holy Spirit. Talk about a change of wedding plans! Mary could have become bitter and resentful; what many people become when they miss out on some important event or desire that doesn’t seem to materialize. Instead, here she is, serving at this small-town wedding. She is the antithesis of Naomi in the Old Testament who, in losing her sons, asked to be called Mara, which means “Bitter.”  Instead, Mary—whose own idyllic wedding dreams were smashed—puts on her apron, and bakes her favorite dish to ensure another woman doesn’t miss out on her special day.

And when she’s made aware of the problem of wine running out, she chooses to act. She doesn’t revel in another’s pain or hurt or embarrassment. Out of compassion, she intervenes. Her brief interaction with Jesus is so telling. She doesn’t pull the “I brought you into this world; I can take you out” card. She’s come to see her son is also her Lord. She states her observation-request. And when he responds cautiously, she almost dismisses the comment, stating clearly to the servants: Do whatever he tells you.

Mary’s words recorded in the Bible are few: but they are sufficient for all we need to know about discipleship. May it be unto me as you have said: all right, Lord. I surrender to your will and plan for my life, though it is not at all what I had in mind. And Do whatever he tells you: You are the voice I listen to. I trust you and I will obey you.

As you reflect on Mary’s character, what impresses you most about her? Have you adopted Mary’s core phrases on discipleship for yourself? To what extent is it possible to say we trust Jesus unless we are prepared to do whatever He tells us?

READ: John 2:1-11

On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” 4“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” 5His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
